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From Gardener to Woodworker

My passion for woodworking seemed to arrive very abruptly in my life, but it had been cultivating for many years.
My dad was a handyman for over 20 years and I assisted him on and off over those years. It was from him that I learned how to use and respect power tools. He also taught me how to make something out of nothing. He grew up in an era where you couldn’t just go down to the nearest big box store and buy the part you needed. You either needed to fix the part you had yourself or figure out a different way to get the job done. Although I didn’t much care for the work at that point in my life, I am very thankful for everything he taught me throughout my time with him.


Fast forward a few years, I found myself immersed in the world of gardening. I started growing my own food every year, and planting more and more plants. I kept adding beds around the border of my property for flowering plants and shrubs. It was at this point that I bought a couple Clematis and realized I didn’t have anything for them to climb on. So, I built a very crude square trellis out of 2x4’s. I borrowed my dad’s portable tablesaw and ripped the 2x4’s down and cut out grooves to fit slats for the Clematis to climb up. Assembling that trellis was the most satisfying thing I had ever done. I was hooked from then on. That was in 2012.


Much has happened since then. I met and married my best friend, Roberta. In 2020, I lost my job after 10 years because of Covid, and we decided to turn my hobby into a business. It was a blessing in disguise, to be honest. Now, I can’t imagine doing anything else. The satisfaction I get as the last coat of finish is applied, reflecting on the steps it took to get to that moment is beyond words. It is only topped by the feeling I get when the client sees the finished product for the first time, and the words that come out of their mouth. Roberta has also become an integral partner in Wood By Brown. She is continually dreaming up new ideas for products and marketing. This is truly our purpose.


“Sometimes life has to fall to pieces for the journey ahead to become spectacularly clear.”

– Clint Harp

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